Adding PageConnect/XPPS base services to a contract

To bill a customer for the recurring Base Service for all PageConnect/XPPS printers, you will set up a recurring service contract for the customer, and add the fixed monthly charges for each printer model or each Cost/Price variation to the contract as either a Service or a Service Bundle.

To add the Services and/or Service Bundles used for billing the PageConnect/XPPS Base Service/Supply, do the following:

  1. On the PageConnect/XPPS Recurring Service contract menu, click the Services tab. The Services and Service Bundles page opens.
  2. Click New Service Bundle or New Service, depending on whether you set up the Base Service/Supply as a Service or a Bundle, and select all services (bundles) you will need for billing this customer. Click Save & Close to add the services or bundles to the contract.

For information on adding Services and Bundles to a contract, refer to Page 5: Select services and bundles (Recurring Service contract only).